Meta Title – Meta Description – Headings – URL Slug and SEO Limits

by Sep 10, 2023SEO, Uncategorized

If you are learning SEO or doing SEO for your website or blog, you must know the basics of SEO. Here are a few useful tips for you to remember while doing SEO for your blog or website. Please check the details below what are the limites in SEO.



Meta Title Characters Limit in SEO   50 – 60 Char
Meta Description Characters Limite in SEO   150 – 160 Char
H1 Tags    1 Per Page
URL Slug   3 – 4 Words
Keyword Density   1 – 2% Per Page
Image Size   < 100Kb
Alt Text   120 – 130 Char
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)   < 2.5 Seconds
First Input Delay (FID)   < 100 Milliseconds
Mobile Speed Page   < 3 Seconds




SEO is very important for any website, SEO helps to get ranking in search engines i.e google, yahoo, bing and other search enginse. through SEO we can increase organic traffic without paying anything  and also better ranking in search engines throuh targeted keywords.

If you are using wordpress then there are several very good plugins which can help you to increase traffic on your website and ranking at the same time with differnet keywords.

There are a few very good and free plugins such as Rank Math SEO and Yoast SEO  you can download free versions, they’ll do the job for you. In order to use these plugins you should have a basic understandings of SEO.


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